Marriage Works! Ohio provides marriage and relationship education for couples throughout the Miami Valley. We now offer a variety of Christian marriage classes for couples in every stage of their relationship. Our staff is comprised of several professionals, dedicated to serving you!
If you would like to sign up for a class with us, please fill out the form below or call us at (937) 262-7010.
Someone will be in touch with you regarding pricing and scheduling.
*Discovering Our Deepest Desire class in August will be held at the St. Luke Church in Beavercreek, Ohio.
This program shows couples how to practically incorporate Christ and the Catholic faith into their marriages. The program works to build “Marriage Education Teams” in parishes while presenting the Catholic marriage class to couples. Couples will grow in their marriage with the support of their faith community alongside them.
Marriage Works! Ohio provides marriage and relationship education for couples throughout the Miami Valley. We offer a variety of classes and programs for couples in every stage of their relationships. Our staff is dedicated to serving you! Rated Top 3 Marriage Counselors in Dayton for years!